Thursday, March 14, 2013

Action Research Plan Project
School Wide Positive Behavior Plan
Goals: 1. Maintain an orderly, nurturing, safe, and positive environment. 2. Increase in motivation and engagement in learning to show an increase in district testing scores. 3. Enhance school pride and they, along with teachers, will participate more in school activities.4. Be proactive and focus attention to those demonstrating positive behaviors. 
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Develop survey questions to set the foundation.
Receive feedback.
Revise questions.
Set up survey on Survey Monkey.
Leslie Ramirez and Site supervisor
March 2013
Research data on SWPBP survey questions. (Lamar online Library & Google)

Feedback on survey data from Site Supervisor.
Presentation of action   research plan’s goal to campus staff.
Leslie Ramirez
March 2013
Informal discussion. 
Survey completion
Campus Staff to complete survey on Survey Monkey on SWPBP.
Send reminders to complete survey by deadline date.
Leslie Ramirez and campus staff
March 2013 – April 2013
Informal discussion. 
Survey completion

Design SWPBP team

Leslie Ramirez and Site Supervisor
April 2013-May 2013
Survey Data – question answered…Would you like to be on the campus’ SWPBP team.
Feedback from Site   Supervisor.
Informal discussion. 

Seek funding for resources needed: grant writing, community donations, school funds, etc.
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor,
and SWPBP team.
April 2013
Funds & donations received for needed expenses

Evaluate and analyze survey data, read research, and discuss design of SWPBP.
Facilitate meetings.
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor,
and SWPBP team.
May 2013
Survey Data.
Findings from SWPBP action research.
Research books and online literature.
Survey Data
Reading research
Design SWPBP – school focus (theme/motto/signs), stated student, teacher and administration accountability, &
parent notification (brochure) to develop deeper understanding
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor, and SWPBP team.
May 2013-August 2013
Survey Data.
Findings from SWPBP action research.
Research books and online literature.

Present SWPBP to campus staff
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor,
and SWPBP team.
August 2013
Materials for rooms,   students, and parents
Formal/Informal discussions
Implement and Reflection on SWPBP
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor,
and SWPBP team.
August 2013-June 2014
SWPBP Materials
Action Research Blog
Formal/Informal discussions
Survey/Blog  to check status: success and/or problems
Facilitate SWPBP meeting to explore patterns, determine direction and take action or sustain plan
Leslie Ramirez
August 2013-June 2014 - monthly

Formal/Informal discussions
Survey/Blog  to check status: success and/or problems
Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)


  1. Above is my action research plan. It is different than other models, but I like having the steps. It keeps me focused on the task at hand. Please let me know what you are thinking...things I forgot, you would like to see me add, if you have a plan I can look at, what you like/ dislike about plans at your school. I will respond and comment on your blog. Together we will make a difference, "from the inside out!" (Dana, 2009, p. 137)

  2. I think that your action research plan looks good. It seems detailed. You have spread out the times that you will be collecting data. I see that you are utilizing a wide variety of data collection techniques. All in all, everything looks good. I noticed that one of your steps is to write a grant. Is this grant necessary for you to complete your research project? What happens if you do not receive the grant?

  3. Good point about the grant. We have materials at the school to use,if not, I was going to see if the school had money or if we could use a donor for the money. We have some in our community. I was thinking we could get some signs made, professional, for around the school. Something definitely to think about. Maybe I should change that to say see funding...

  4. This is AWESOME Leslie! I think you have a wonderful research idea here, and it looks like you have a really well thought-out plan. You definitely have a lot to keep you busy over the next year!!! It's great that you are presenting all of your findings and data to your school staff, so that they stay informed along the way as well. By doing this, you will be cultivating within them an understanding of action research. Great Job!!!

  5. Thanks for the positive words Bridget. It will keep me busy, maybe too busy, but it is important and I think it will be great for the following years at my school.

  6. First of all, thank you for commenting on my site. I like how your plan looks. Your plan looks clean and well organized. It is so hard to come up with a plan when I feel like there are so many unknowns, but I think that yours will allow for those type of things. Good job.

    1. @ Drex not a problem at all commenting. It is fun to look at the other plans, but it is overwhelming to say the least. Sometimes I get ideas to change mine, and sometimes I feel quite...ya know. I am really worried about the timing because of summer, but it is a project that, I hope, won't be in vain.

  7. Wow, Leslie! You are taking on quite a task with this action research plan! I agree with you though, that it is important and will positively impact your school. Regarding the time frame, I think we will all have the challenge of completing our plan with the summer smack dab in the middle of it. I am debating whether to close my research at the end of this school year or go in to next school year as well. Great organization of your template. Good job and I look forward to following your progress!

    1. Thanks so much for the great comments. I know it is going to be difficult, but I so want to do something productive and starting this is very important to me. If you have any ideas or suggestions, please let me know.

  8. Leslie,

    Definitely the summer being in the middle was a little hurdle for me too. Then I shifted mine to where I am basically collecting data to find current trends. Use the summer to analyze and propose any changes to plans of intervention for August. Then collecting/implementing the data from August to January 2014 will be that hard work realized hopefully.

    1. Stephanie,
      That was my thought. Looking at the data and making the plan will be what I am doing over the summer. I also hope to blog and post on Facebook the thoughts to see what you think. Being at different schools will help so much with everyone's plans as we all see so many and different things. Good luck!

  9. Hi Leslie!
    Great plan! I think a school-wide discipline policy will definitely assist with behavior issues. It would be great for the students to know exactly what's expected of them at all times. I also think that being on the same page with rules, rewards and consequences is key, especially for students who have 2 or more teachers. I especially admire the portion where you will seek funding form outside resources. Many times, there aren't meaningful rewards because the budget doesn't allow for it. Money is always invested in academics rather than behavior when a change in behavior would increase academic success. Happy researching!


    1. Thanks so much for the comments. I also feel being uniformed at the school, as much as possible is good. We actually have alot of siblings at my school and parents compare us all the time. Having a new campus join ours has been difficult. If you have any words of wisdom on the subject, please let me know.

  10. Love this project because I LOVE Positive Behavioral Supports! My project deals with the implementation level at our junior high school. Our district is in the 3rd year of the PBIS initiative and while some campuses are soaring with it, others still struggle. I am a district PBS coach and see this firsthand. Good luck with your project. Definitely a worthwhile effort!

    1. Wow, you are someone I serious need to talk to. If you have any info, good or bad, please let me know. You can also email me anything you have on my email I am really nervous. I always join things, but do not every really take the lead. I know there are so may things to consider, I just do not want to leave anything out. Thanks in advance for any help you can give.

  11. Great action research plan. I think an effective school-wide discipline policy play a major role in establishing good school environment. Also setting an expectation for students will also promote teacher and students relationship. I am looking forward to learn from your finding and use it in my future plan. thanks for sharing.

  12. Leslie~
    Everything is good. Your goals section is good, but I feel like you need to have a "question" before your goals. So the goals should be more like an answer to your question statement. Does that make sense? All you have is a title that says "SWPBP" But you don't tell what you are researching. Are you researching it's effects? Are you researching the procedure of implementing? We can't tell from that about statement. Your plan is very detailed, and I think you are well on your way, but I also would maybe think of ways you will monitor the implementation of your "direction". How will you make sure that teachers are implementing these procedures? How will you ensure conformity throughout the campus? Just something to think of. Those are the only things that really popped out at me. If you have questions, let me know!

    1. Noel,
      That makes complete sense. I had a question or vision statement at the top, but when I looked at the model it did not have one so I scrapped it. I also have many concerns about implementation. I know that the students will really, after they know you are standing by your expectations, will conform. No problem and really love the positive praise for great work. This will be at school and with their parents. However, which is most of the reason we need this I think, is the expectations of the teachers and their expectations being consistent. I saw online when researching there is a observation check list. I am hoping that my administration will do something like this. When we meet as a team I want them to go back and get comments and ideas from those not on the team. With the back and fourth I am hoping there will be buy in as well as no one not understand the expectation. Thanks for the great advice. If you have any more, when I repost, let me know.
