Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Action Peseach Plan - Schoolwide Discipline Policy

Action Research is purposeful and is done it steps. Each step is used with one goal in mind. I am working on a school-wide discipline plan for my action research. I believe with one a campus' students and parents know the rewards and consequences for positive and negative behaviors, and it was seen with every teacher and in every area. Because of this, we had very few behavior problems,fewer surprised parents about an action taken due to their child's behavior and less stressed teachers due to behavior issues. Being a positive plan, parents and students loved having positive things stated in postcards, emails and phone calls.
Researching ways to improve school-wide discipline on my campus will be very dear to my heart. I believe that a positive school-wide behavior plan seen throughout the school will help students remember, no matter where they are on our campus, they have a high expectation with behavior and academics. I believe these two walk hand in hand. Students will be engaged in activities and learning more, and teachers will spend less time dealing with recurring discipline issues and more time completing already planned fun, learning activities they were not able to get to. Completing more science lab, creating more student driven presentations, having more interactive computer labs, and participating routinely in read-alouds are just the tip of the iceberg. With this, students are having fun and mastering more TEKS. Parents will be aware of positive and negative consequences and happy that their child is learning and enjoying school.Teachers will also be learning, as now they can get to more activities to expand knowledge, enjoying what they are teaching, and have less stress.  Teachers, less stressed and tired, are more willing to volunteer after school and have more engaging activities for their class would lead to success and pride at our campus.


  1. I think that you are on the right track. Anything that we can do to make things more positive in the lives of our students is the direction that we need to be taking in education. I feel that having a positive classroom management system works 100 times better than a classroom management system that focuses on the negative - building a rainbow rather than pulling a card. Good luck on your research.

    1. I will keep you posted. I really was brought up teaching with card pulling, but it really is a downer and everyone does stop and watch so it is a huge waste of time. I am hoping with a good plan students will strive to want positive complements, calls home, homework passes, and great grades to keep them motivated to want to behave as a stellar student should.

  2. I am also going to be dealing with discipline to some extent. Would love to see how your plan works out. I do believe the goal of discipline is to alter behavior. Sometimes "punishment" is required but if you are constantly dealing with the same issues for the same students then whatever you are doing is not having the desired result of altering the behavior. Therefore, I am always looking for new ideas that may prove effective where what we are currently doing may have fallen short.

    1. This is one thing we will be discussing. I do know that there needs to be "punishment" in some aspect, but instead of kids getting attention for negative, I would like them to get it on positive behavior. Maybe leading them there will get that horse to drink.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I deal with behavior almost everyday at school. I love problem solving with students. I look forward to following your journey with your school. I am with Mallory I really hesitate about pulling cards, changing numbers, and colors. Everyone in the class sees when this happens. I am interested to see if you have behavior plan sugesstions or how you collect data on this topic.
    Thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks for your comment. Problems solving will be a big key to this too. We have class meeting that do focus on some good, but mostly problems. I want to make the change to have these bring celebrations only. Maybe have a jar with good tickets earned in it. I will us this to pull from to share at our meetings. What do you think?

  5. Ms. Ramirez I love the positive action taken and I know from experience that it wroks. But everyone has to be on board and have the same high expectations across the campus. Parents shouold definitely be on board and supportive in our behavior plan. Our CBISS program we had for two years was excellent and was about rewards and consequences. When I wednt to the classrooms students would ask to come with me and alwys speak politely. Now when I walk into the room the students say ooh ooh Coach Harris is here somebody must be in trouble. Your plan is excellent.

    1. Donald,
      Thanks for the great comments. I totally agree that parents and staff need to be on board for this to work. It is difficult when you are looked as the bad guy when you come into the room. I must behave because they are there or someone is in trouble because they are here is not the correct response. Students should respect themselves, the school and staff enough to always be acting as they should.
      Leslie...Ms. Ramirez
