Sunday, March 24, 2013

Revised Action Research Plan

I have revised by plan to add my vision. Please let me know what you think of the plan, even though it has been approved, I value your suggestions and think they make my plan stronger.

Action Research Plan Project
School Wide Positive Behavior Plan
Vision: Create a schoolwide positive behavior plan with a team for my campus. This plan will focus on student’s behavior and creating teacher models to successful implement the expectations for these behavior.
Goals: 1. Maintain an orderly, nurturing, safe, and positive environment. 2. Increase student motivation and engagement in learning to show an increase in grades and participation in all subjects and assignments. 3. Enhance school pride so students and teachers will participate more in school activities 4. Be proactive and focus attention to the students and teachers demonstrating positive behaviors. 
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Develop survey questions to set the foundation.
Receive feedback.
Revise questions.
Set up survey on Survey Monkey.
Leslie Ramirez and Site supervisor
May 2013
Research data on SWPBP survey questions. (Lamar online Library & Google)

Feedback on survey data from Site Supervisor.
Presentation of action   research plan’s goal to campus staff.
Leslie Ramirez
May 2013
Informal discussion. 
Survey completion
Campus Staff to complete survey on Survey Monkey on SWPBP.
Send reminders to complete survey by deadline date.
Leslie Ramirez and campus staff
May – June 2013
Informal discussion. 
Survey completion

Design SWPBP team

Leslie Ramirez and Site Supervisor
June - August 2013
Survey Data – question answered…Would you like to be on the campus’ SWPBP team.
Feedback from Site   Supervisor.
Informal discussion. 

Seek funding for resources needed: grant writing, community donations, school funds, etc.
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor,
and SWPBP team.
August 2013
Funds & donations received for needed expenses

Evaluate and analyze survey data, read research, and discuss design of SWPBP.
Facilitate meetings.
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor,
and SWPBP team.
June - August 2013
Survey Data.
Findings from SWPBP action research.
Research books and online literature.
Survey Data
Reading research
Design SWPBP – school focus cafeteria, hallway and bathroom behavior (theme/motto/signs), stated student, teacher and administration accountability to develop deeper understanding for buy in
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor, and SWPBP team.
August 2013
Survey Data.
Findings from SWPBP action research.
Research books and online literature.

Present SWPBP to campus staff
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor,
and SWPBP team.
August 2013
Materials for rooms,   students, and parents
Formal/Informal discussions
Implement and Reflection on SWPBP
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor,
and SWPBP team.
August 2013-June 2014
SWPBP Materials
Action Research Blog
Data on discipline referrals and student success
Formal/Informal discussions
Survey/Blog  to check status: success and/or problems

Facilitate SWPBP meeting to explore patterns, determine direction and take action or sustain plan
Leslie Ramirez
August 2013-June 2014
Data on discipline referrals and student success
Formal/Informal discussions

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Action Research Plan Project
School Wide Positive Behavior Plan
Goals: 1. Maintain an orderly, nurturing, safe, and positive environment. 2. Increase in motivation and engagement in learning to show an increase in district testing scores. 3. Enhance school pride and they, along with teachers, will participate more in school activities.4. Be proactive and focus attention to those demonstrating positive behaviors. 
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Develop survey questions to set the foundation.
Receive feedback.
Revise questions.
Set up survey on Survey Monkey.
Leslie Ramirez and Site supervisor
March 2013
Research data on SWPBP survey questions. (Lamar online Library & Google)

Feedback on survey data from Site Supervisor.
Presentation of action   research plan’s goal to campus staff.
Leslie Ramirez
March 2013
Informal discussion. 
Survey completion
Campus Staff to complete survey on Survey Monkey on SWPBP.
Send reminders to complete survey by deadline date.
Leslie Ramirez and campus staff
March 2013 – April 2013
Informal discussion. 
Survey completion

Design SWPBP team

Leslie Ramirez and Site Supervisor
April 2013-May 2013
Survey Data – question answered…Would you like to be on the campus’ SWPBP team.
Feedback from Site   Supervisor.
Informal discussion. 

Seek funding for resources needed: grant writing, community donations, school funds, etc.
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor,
and SWPBP team.
April 2013
Funds & donations received for needed expenses

Evaluate and analyze survey data, read research, and discuss design of SWPBP.
Facilitate meetings.
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor,
and SWPBP team.
May 2013
Survey Data.
Findings from SWPBP action research.
Research books and online literature.
Survey Data
Reading research
Design SWPBP – school focus (theme/motto/signs), stated student, teacher and administration accountability, &
parent notification (brochure) to develop deeper understanding
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor, and SWPBP team.
May 2013-August 2013
Survey Data.
Findings from SWPBP action research.
Research books and online literature.

Present SWPBP to campus staff
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor,
and SWPBP team.
August 2013
Materials for rooms,   students, and parents
Formal/Informal discussions
Implement and Reflection on SWPBP
Leslie Ramirez, Site Supervisor,
and SWPBP team.
August 2013-June 2014
SWPBP Materials
Action Research Blog
Formal/Informal discussions
Survey/Blog  to check status: success and/or problems
Facilitate SWPBP meeting to explore patterns, determine direction and take action or sustain plan
Leslie Ramirez
August 2013-June 2014 - monthly

Formal/Informal discussions
Survey/Blog  to check status: success and/or problems
Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)

Sunday, March 10, 2013

My Action Peseach Plan - Schoolwide Discipline Policy

Action Research is purposeful and is done it steps. Each step is used with one goal in mind. I am working on a school-wide discipline plan for my action research. I believe with one a campus' students and parents know the rewards and consequences for positive and negative behaviors, and it was seen with every teacher and in every area. Because of this, we had very few behavior problems,fewer surprised parents about an action taken due to their child's behavior and less stressed teachers due to behavior issues. Being a positive plan, parents and students loved having positive things stated in postcards, emails and phone calls.
Researching ways to improve school-wide discipline on my campus will be very dear to my heart. I believe that a positive school-wide behavior plan seen throughout the school will help students remember, no matter where they are on our campus, they have a high expectation with behavior and academics. I believe these two walk hand in hand. Students will be engaged in activities and learning more, and teachers will spend less time dealing with recurring discipline issues and more time completing already planned fun, learning activities they were not able to get to. Completing more science lab, creating more student driven presentations, having more interactive computer labs, and participating routinely in read-alouds are just the tip of the iceberg. With this, students are having fun and mastering more TEKS. Parents will be aware of positive and negative consequences and happy that their child is learning and enjoying school.Teachers will also be learning, as now they can get to more activities to expand knowledge, enjoying what they are teaching, and have less stress.  Teachers, less stressed and tired, are more willing to volunteer after school and have more engaging activities for their class would lead to success and pride at our campus.